Watching Momma, I’ve learned – –  pray and pray some more.  Momma begins and ends each day literally on her knees – – in prayer.  To some this might seem like just a religious ritual. However, I’ve come to realize her prayers have chartered her course in life and covered her family for years.  Prayer is simply communicating with God.  This involves a little talking and a WHOLE lot of listening – – and then doing what He says do. What I’ve witnessed Momma do in her life demonstrates she’s done a lot of listening. She, in what may seem to be a small way, has laid a firm foundation on which generations after her can stand on.  Long life and seeing the salvation of the Lord in her family is her reward.  So often we hear of generational cursing, but I’m convinced that her daily ‘ritual’ of beginning and ending each day in prayer is the key to the generational blessings me and my family walk in. Likewise, you and I have a responsibility and an accountability to lay a foundation for those we parent (biologically and spiritually), and to establish and maintain the flow of generational blessings to them.

Your challenge: Take time today to consider and write down the names of those you are called to ‘parent’.  Now commit yourself to regularly praying for them and declaring the blessings of God in their lives.  You’ll be blessed!!

Have a wonder-full day,